Elk NetworkRecruiting New Chapter Volunteers

Volunteer Newsletter | February 2, 2024

Recruiting new volunteers should be a priority for every chapter. Volunteer recruitment should not be reactive to a committee roster that has dwindled down to just a handful of people. Recruitment should be common practice, part of a committee’s goals and objectives each year, and should be an important line item on every committee meeting agenda. 

Here are a few volunteer recruitment tips and tricks, as shared by fellow RMEF volunteers: 

  • Host a membership meeting to give updates on what projects RMEF has carried out in your state and show the potential for what more can be done with their help. Utilize the state-specific resources created by RMEF to promote state accomplishments in a professional way.
  • Set up a volunteer recruitment station at your event. Supply volunteer information and a signup sheet.
  • Encourage chapter committee members to contact potential new volunteers through their social media accounts.
  • Reach out to schools and organizations for students that have a need for community service hours. Fraternities and sororities have helped with many RMEF events over the years by selling raffle tickets, setting up events and displaying live auction items.
  • Reach out to local groups that received past RMEF state grant funding. Groups like 4-H or local archery programs may supply event volunteers to help where needed.
  • Ask a local school if they have a sports team that would like to help with community outreach. High school football, basketball, and track teams are examples of youth groups that have helped at past RMEF events.
  • Have your event emcee ask during the banquet! Let your attendees know their help is needed and you would love to discuss how they can help in the future.
  • Work projects and rendezvous gatherings often attract participants that are not already RMEF volunteers. Engage with them and try to get them involved with local chapters.
  • Target specific demographics to help with specific raffles! If you have a women’s raffle, ask a local women’s outdoor group to help work it.
  • Ask donors to staff a game or raffle that they donated to. For example, Les Schwab Tires has donated to many banquets and their employees often help at the raffle booth to sell tickets.
  • Set up an information and a recruitment table at a nearby sporting goods store. Distribute information about RMEF, sell raffle tickets and memberships, and ask those interested if they would like to volunteer.
  • See if people within your social circle want to join the team! When asked why someone has not previously volunteered for RMEF, their response is most often “I’ve never been asked.”